Saturday, 30 July 2011

Robert Schroeder - Galaxy Cygnus A (1982)

Galaxie Cygnus-A (again, unavailable on CD) brings the words "lost classic" to mind. Having left the live rock ensemble behind, this is Schroeder's enduring contribution to synthesised spacemusic and an essential listen for anyone with an ear for the genre's awe-inspring magic. The continuous 6-part suite ranges from non-musical metallic clangs, groans and radio transmitter noise to bleepy melodic waltzes and lovely celestial glides. It morphs from one movement to the next with remarkable grace and its classical avant-garde tendencies towards atonal noise are integrated in a surprisingly musical way.
Note: All Robert Schroeders releases are available to buy on CD which were apparently not when the above review was written. SoLaRiS - Robert Schroeder

Galaxie Cygnus-A, Teil 2

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